Level 2
On-line activities and worksheets

Level 1
Pictures to aid comprehension
Students increase their English vocabulary and comprehension by 170 words
Students develop key pre-reading skills including phonological awareness
Students develop their listening skills, comprehension and concentration
Clear and easily implemented ‘Pre-Reading Steps’ included to aid the teaching process
Stickers for students to stick each week to promote retention
100+ worksheets to enhance learning
Flashcard pack - letters, vocabulary pictures
Students learn decoding and comprehension skills
Students learn to read over 275 words and 185 sentences
Students increase their English vocabulary and fluency
Pictures included to aid comprehension
Parent / Teacher notes to aid the teaching process
Clear and easily implemented ‘Steps to Reading’ included
DVD to aid teacher / parent pronunciation
125+ worksheets
Flashcard pack - letters, words, vocabulary and sentence pictures

Level 2

Level 3
Students learn decoding and comprehension skills
Students read over 480 words and 190 sentences
Students increase their English vocabulary and fluency
Pictures included to aid comprehension
Parent / Teacher notes to aid the teaching process
Clear and easily implemented ‘Steps to Reading’ included
Sound included to aid pronunciation and fluency
DVD to aid teacher / parent pronunciation
100+ worksheets
Flashcard pack - letters, words, vocabulary and sentence pictures
Students develop vocabulary, fluency and comprehension
Students read over 450 new words and 170 sentences
Students increase their English vocabulary and fluency
Pictures included to aid comprehension
Parent / Teacher notes to aid the teaching process
Clear and easily implemented 'Steps to Reading’ included
Level 4